
> 22-pin knitting machine 

> 2 colors of yarn for main part 

> black yarn for mouth 

> safety or felt eyes 

> polyfil/stuffing 


> pipe cleaners/wire (to make them bendable)  

> hot glue gun


Pattern Instructions: 

Click HERE for full video

1) Cast on with first color and work 20 rows. 

2) Switch to second color and work an additional 20 rows. You should have 40 rows total. 

3) Cast off. Make sure you tie your two colors together on the inside.  

4) Add your safety/felt eyes about 4 stitches apart and 7 stitches down from the top.  

5) Fold your tube in half lengthways and mattress stitch from one end to the other.  Add you pipe cleaner and stuffing as you go. 

6) Add a mouth and you are finished!

I love seeing all your creations!! If you add them to social media please give me a tag @hleeinspired

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